Критики почувствовали волшебство спектакля «Гарри Поттер и проклятое Дитя»

Five out of five stars expressed their delight critics, who visited the pre-premiere show of “Harry Potter and the cursed Child”. The play, written by Jack Thorne based on the novel by J. K. Rowling, gave the world Harry Potter and the whole magical world was shown yesterday at the Palace Theatre, and the premiere will take place next week on July 30.

Director John Tiffany has received critical acclaim publications The Guardian, The Independent, and Variety.
“It is absolutely clear it was not written to become a book or movie plot. This is an exciting theatrical action full of magical images that capture the imagination” — written by Jack shepherd, critic for The Independent.
“An exciting story, an exciting setting, in which Rowling was able to put my huge heart. Twenty years ago Harry Potter has returned to Teens to read, “Cursed child” can do the same for the theater” — said the critics.
As it became known, all the audience pre-show gave the word not to talk about what was happening on stage, not to spoil the first impression of the audience who were lucky enough to get tickets. For those who are too far away from London, will release the scenario plays out in paperback.

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