Криштиану Роналду стал отцом в четвертый раз
Girlfriend of football player gave birth a week and a half early.

Криштиану Роналду стал отцом в четвертый раз

Georgina Rodriguez and Cristiano Ronaldo with his son

Photo: Instagram.com

Cristiano Ronaldo shared his joy: as reported by the famous
footballer, he had another daughter. A friend of Ronaldo — Georgina Roriguez made her born in the hospital Universal Hospital Quiron, located
near the house of Ronaldo.

“I Was Born Alan Martin! She and her mother Georgina feel great.
You are all perfectly happy!” — so Ronaldo signed photo, on which
captures the family: Georgina, a newborn babe (the face which, unfortunately, is not visible)the player and his 7-year-old son Cristiano Junior .

As previously reported, according to the doctors, Rodriguez had to make
the light my daughter not before 21 Nov. But early Sunday morning she started
to fight, and she was taken to the hospital. Interestingly, just a day before
delivery — Saturday — Georgina C Ronaldo and a couple of his fellow players
had fun at the club.

Now Cristiano will spend at least one week with his family. He
pre-loaded its schedule, saying that soon will not be able
to take part in the games of his club team, or in Portuguese
team. Incidentally, that day this summer when an anonymous surrogate mother
Ronaldo gave birth to twins Eva and Matteo, Cristiano was one of the games of the Cup
Confederation. However, shortly thereafter he announced that he is leaving early
the competition to be with their children.

“Fatherhood is very important to me. It was just a unique experience
which absolutely changed me. My new role helped me to learn to love
as much as I had no idea that someday I can. I became much softer
and all the priorities in my life changed. I just can’t wait
gonna be a daddy again – it’s the biggest privilege sent me
destiny. To be with my children, smile and laugh with them — it brings
real joy and happiness in my life…” — said Ronaldo just before
the birth of Alana.

Cristiano Ronaldo