Корнелия Манго показала фигуру в купальнике

The singer is expecting when she and her husband go to honeymoon to the Philippines.

Cornelia Mango now could easily make a career as a model. In the category of Plus Size.

Earlier it was considered normal, was constantly plagued with questions when she lost, the singer, in response asserted that my body likes and to change it is not going to. Confidence gained, and the current spouse of Cornelia beatboxer Bogdan Durdi. He loved her for who she is, and never asked a girl to lose weight or change your body.

“Girls, don’t envy my figure! She’s perfect! And my beloved love! So envy leave with him,” said love the star to his followers.

However, said because the singer before he proposed to her. But for the wedding of Mango a couple of pounds finally decided to throw! And now, happy with her figure, a star shows her around the world. And even half-naked.

“Pokuyu swimwear! Counting the days till the honeymoon”, – shared the singer’s fresh image in your blog.

A little later, Cornelius said that for a honeymoon they are going to go to the Philippines, where the singer will be sporting a new swimsuit. And Bogdan will have to control the situation. After all, it’s safe to say that his wife will attract the attention of tourists by a number of men. The singer looks amazing. She really could now join the ranks of models of Plus Size. Moreover, they are becoming more popular and slowly replacing skinny women from the catwalk.

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