Композитор Алексей Малахов спасает супругу от рака The wife of the musician is suffering from a brain tumor. Alexey Malakhov turned to celebrity friends for help. He will be happy with any amount you can to pay for the expensive treatment chosen. Songwriter Pugacheva, Kirkorov and Baskov has promised to fix all the expenses to show of caring what the money was spent.
Композитор Алексей Малахов спасает супругу от рака

Composer Alexey Malakhov is known for his collaborations with many stars of domestic show-business. He wrote songs for Alla Pugacheva, Philip Kirkorov, Anastasia Stotskaya, Nikolai Baskov, Angelica Agurbash and many others. Now the musician has appealed for help to friends and fans to save wife from cancer. 35-year-old wife Svetlana Malakhova five years ago was struggling with a terrible disease – a brain tumor. The treatment was successful, but now the disease again made itself felt. From despair Alexey appealed to all concerned.

Alexey Malakhov: “Kirkorov took the song I wrote for Alla Pugacheva»

“Now received from wife SMS, and my hands dropped, and from his eyes poured tears. Those who know me, know that I am a strong person and always look at the situation positively, but now does not work at all. I just helped other people when needed help, now please help me. Knowing what expenses are coming, any funds will help us. All receipts for treatment I will save & show”, – said the composer.

Alex admitted that it is hard to tell what has happened to colleagues and fans, however, he sees no other way out of the situation. Celebrities responded to the request of his friend, and hastened to Express words of support and sympathy.

“Five years ago my wife was diagnosed with a brain tumor. No one talking, I treated the Light in Kiev (she was doing the cyber-knife) and then when there was no improvement, I took her to the doctor in Rome.
I remember how I by the hand led her up from the airport to the front Desk and said, “pretend that you’re okay,” and she went and fell. There she completed a course of therapy, and the disease retreated for five years,” recalled the musician.

Malakhov left the details of Bank cards of the two countries – Russia and Ukraine, and admitted that he would be happy with any amount that you can transfer the followers. Now he tries to do everything to save the life of his beloved wife. Now they have a daughter Mary.

  • PrivatBank (UAH – Ukraine) – 5168 7420 2534 3470
  • Sberbank (from Russia) – 5479 2700 1003 2449

The king of Russian pop scene were quick to support the man. “Let’s try the world to help the family of this wonderful man and talented composer Alexey Malakhov, by the way, the author of a good half of my songs in my new show “I”. His wonderful wife, giving his daughter to him, got in trouble and was seriously ill, do not want to draw any analogies, but Zhanna Friske happened the same trouble right after childbirth, but in this case the disease is discovered at an early stage, and there is every chance to save the life of a wonderful wife and mother. Let’s try to do something!”wrote Philip in the microblog.