Екатерина Варнава призналась, как проект Comedy Woman избавил ее от комплексов The Joker said that for a long time considered myself ugly. According to star, as a child, she always talked with the boys, wore trousers older brother, and also went to school with the package.

Well-known artist, resident of Comedy Woman Ekaterina Barnabas told reporters that have never considered myself beautiful. According to celebrity, as a child she was an ugly girl, lanky, and bowlegged.

“My legs are still curves, but I’ve learned to hide it. But the classic “spice” I was not. When the school or the camp was selected “Most beautiful girl”, “Most hilarious” and the like, I was always cheerful. Or good. I had no choice but to entertain people,” shared Catherine.

Star Comedy Woman said that hard together with peers and always sat at the last Desk, although studied in five. “There have proven their abilities and classmates, and teachers. Peers to me is not stretched,” said Barnabas.

According to Catherine, she was persistent and diligent schoolgirl. Also a future star, he attended music lessons, dance classes, children’s theatre and sang in the choir.

Barnabas said that in 12 years she had a sharp transition to a “Tomboy”. The girl was hanging with the guys and acted like a boy.

“The lessons I went with a backpack, and with the package. One notebook for all subjects, the height of the slope! All the girls as the girls and I with some tangles on his head and old pants, which his brother wore,” admitted the actress.

After school, Catherine enrolled at the law faculty, where he began to play KVN.

“I tried not to depart from the Institute. I was on the expulsion, all in the tails, because I was trying to study and play in the WHC, managing to go on tour,” said the artist.

Barnabas still graduated from University with a degree in “Teacher of law and social science”. The actress admits that now regret about missed lectures.

“Who knew that in life I will have so many contracts that you need to carefully view and read. Needless to say that by profession I am a day not worked,” said Catherine.

In the words of the artist, by the time of graduation, she realized that remained without work during the WHC to participate no longer willing.

“Here in my life, I felt Natalya, familiar even with the WHC. She organized the Comedy Woman. Who would have imagined that the project will be relevant in 10 years!” – said Barnabas.

The creators of the Comedy show came up to Catherine the image of the “fatal beauty”. After a while, the actress got the first fans.

“A scenic image with all these heels and face-up began to penetrate into the life. I, of course, also tried, but timidly. I liked that people began to respond to me not as funny girl, what a sexy woman,” said the star of Comedy Woman.

According to the actress, she carefully worked to create provocative images. “I reviewed all seem a drag show. I was blissed out by what he saw, it was such an inspiration!” noted comedian in conversation with Woman.ru.