Блейк Лайвли согласилась сниматься у Вуди Аллена, не зная, о чем будет фильм

Dear age woody Allen does not prevent him to continue to lead an active life, including on the set. The Director is still fresh and full of new ideas one after the other brings to life. In may at the Cannes film festival Allen presented his new project “high life”. The main role in the film was played by Jesse Eisenberg, Kristen Stewart, and Blake lively.

Of course, for every employee of industry cooperation with such talent of our time – a great success and honor. He didn’t hide and star of the TV series “Gossip girl” Blake lively.

The actress who is now pregnant again, said that he accepted the proposal of Allen to star in a movie, even without understanding what will be discussed.

“I knew nothing about the film, said the 28-year-old lively in an interview with USA Today. – I didn’t care. I just wanted to be part of the film created a cult Director who knows how to write complex female role.”

And Blake was not left disappointed. “My most useful acting experience, she said. – Very little dynamic and interesting female roles, and I got three [“the high life”, “Shallow” and “only See you”]. I’m incredibly lucky. I hope people will like these movies, and I can continue to do what you love. If not, I just fill up on sweets.”

By the way, now Allen is back in business and already collects caste for his new mysterious project. Today we know that the film will take Kate Winslet, James Belushi and Justin Timberlake.


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