Билла Косби обвиняют в изнасиловании несовершеннолетней девушки

Bill Cosby managed to avoid punishment for the rape of Andrea Costand, the trial ended with the victory of the elderly artist whose name is still in the public eye does not sound like a few years ago. It turned out that the American TV star and beloved by many artist, has a reverse side, and it’s so dark and scary that takes aback. During the term of years of Cosby raping women. At the moment there are more than six dozen victims willing to speak about it openly, but according to their lawyer Gloria Allred, in fact, the number of victims exceeds one hundred.

This time, bill accuses Judy Hugh. At the time of rape she was only fifteen years old. 30 Jul Cosby will again have to appear in court to testify in this case.
According to the victim, bill raped her in the famous house “Playboy” Hugh Hefner. Did the rapist, as always, slipped in alcohol to the victim of a psychotropic substance, and while she was unconscious, raped her.
Lawyers sighted 79-year-old Cosby has already denied the allegations, but Gloria Allred insists on a public hearing.
Meanwhile, one of the jurors who participated in the previous hearing Andrea Costand, who asked not to be named, said that he was surprised by the outcome of the case. During the alleged meeting, which lasted 52 hours, the jury came to the conclusion that Cosby is guilty of rape. How is it that the bill was released, it remains a mystery.