Кузина Бейонсе рассказала правду об отношениях певицы с мужем

Shanika Knowles, cousin of singer Beyonce Knowles, decided to bite off a piece of cake the glory of the famous little sisters and gave an interview in which he told the truth about the strained relations cousin and her husband.

Shanika said that over the past few years, Beyonce and Jay-Z have broken up several times, so she wasn’t surprised that it became known. Cousin knows that the relationship of the singer with her husband in the last time more than strained, and she only remained the hope that the release of the new album “Lemonade” will save their marriage.
“The relationship with beyoncé Jay-Z made a crack for a long time, she hoped that the new disc will heal their wounds and save their marriage. Beyonce chose the song about the change that the reaction of the audience was able to influence her husband and that she could understand, she will be able to go through all of this, or there is no hope and need to get a divorce. After going through this intense anger of the public, in virtue of which she did not expect, on starting to forgive Jay-Z. Bay intends to do everything to save the marriage, now it’s up to her husband. We hope that they will be able to overcome the crisis and stay together,” — said the woman. Before recently, the last Ball costume Institute star wives had a falling out, and Beyonce was unable to hide his bad mood. Jay-Z had to put a lot of effort to the news of their breakup didn’t sound that evening.
Recall that Beyonce’s father insists that the family her daughter is doing great, and the songs in the new album not about her. All the hype like a well-planned PR move. Time will tell.

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