Будьте здоровы: способы борьбы с аллергией, о которых вы не знали The specialists have prepared for the readers of “StarHit” a few tips. There are several ways to test your body and not feel discomfort since the beginning of this spring.
Будьте здоровы: способы борьбы с аллергией, о которых вы не знали

Come may is the season of rebirth of nature and… a terrible period for people with allergies. Flowering oak, birch, alder, maple, ash, and other trees every year suffering of thousands of people, causing them tears and runny nose. Olga Malinovskaya, doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics, medical Director of the network of laboratories KDL, told readers “StarHit” how to deal with the scourge of spring.

“The official name for seasonal allergies – hay fever, – says Olga. In spring, during the flowering period, most often provoking pollen. Most of the signs – standard. It is itching, swelling, redness, etc. Diagnosis of Allergy begins with the conversation of the doctor with the patient. Specialist it’s important to know all the details: when it started, what symptoms that accompany.

Often patients have to make a food diary – this helps to determine the cause of food allergies. Then begins the selection of tests, including skin tests.
Будьте здоровы: способы борьбы с аллергией, о которых вы не знали

The immune system is able to “remember” the allergen after the first contact. At this point induces the production of specific antibodies (immunoglobulins E). Faced with the already known body irritant, it “gives” a certain reaction. It is on this principle and based tests.

To identify allergies may be used in the prick test (the name comes from the English word prick – puncture). Physician applies on the skin a drop of concentrated allergen and makes a small puncture. He then evaluates the size and nature of the redness.

Laboratory tests most effective. Experts recommend to hold them in the period of exacerbation. Often take blood from a vein, which helps to determine the level of immunoglobulin E to the allergen.

The traditional method of determining specific IgE antibodies to allergens involves the use of the reagent of the purified extract of the allergen. In addition, there is a technology Company. It is more expensive but gives the best result. The main difference is that the reagent is applied on a solid phase (something that resembles a sponge). The area of contact of blood serum with a reagent increases, accordingly, the analysis allows to detect lower concentrations of immunoglobulin E.

Будьте здоровы: способы борьбы с аллергией, о которых вы не знали

Also with allergic rhinitis may need to take a swab of the nasal mucus, to distinguish a cold from allergies. This study on eosinophils. Belongs to allergies and food intolerances. The patient can not always associate their condition with the use of certain products. Usually, this intolerance is associated with the production of another class of antibodies – immunoglobulin G4.

Mindlessly taking anti-Allergy drugs without prescription should not. Only after establishing a correct diagnosis, a technician can determine the dosage and the specific drug. Moreover, the patient will receive recommendations on how to avoid allergies in the future.

But do not forget also about seasonal allergies, which patients it can not guess, writing off a bad feeling fatigue and other illnesses. Year-round allergies can be to anything – dust, microscopic insects, Pets and so on. Even the horses. If you notice one of these signs, consult a specialist.”