Барбра Стрейзанд назвала Дональда Трампа безнравственным и бессердечным

A huge number of star representatives, unhappy that Donald trump was elected President of the United States, added another person. It was singer and actress Barbra Streisand.

The Hollywood star wrote an open letter in which he expressed all what she thinks about trump. In particular, Streisand was named the businessman-politician “ignorant, reckless, immoral, stupid and heartless.”

According to Barbra, on the background of previous presidents who ruled the United States, such giants as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, bill Clinton and Barack Obama, trump largely lost.

“Now we wait for Donald trump, and I am deeply concerned for our country and the world. He’s already shown how dangerous he is and unusable,” writes the singer.

Streisand said that an experienced politician – that’s what nadalas America today, and not a businessman who wanted to play big boss.

However, Streisand recalled the statements of three women, migrants, people with disabilities. She suggested that the politician has not yet realized the duty of the President to try to bring Americans together and to respect them.