Как дочь Владимира Турчинского справляется после его кончины

The daughter of a famous athlete Vladimir Turchinsky spoke about their experiences and about how she still difficult to accept the death of his father. The girl continues her education and to realize themselves in the modeling business.

Как дочь Владимира Турчинского справляется после его кончины

In an interview, 17-year-old model talked about the fact that only recently have been able to come to terms with the death of her father. This helped her dance classes and support for moms. The girl is sure that in such situations will help you cope just a job and favorite hobby, because it helps to distract from problems.

“I kept a stiff upper lip. Cried for the first time in a very long time. I can say one thing: in such a situation will not help you neither the training, nor even religion. Cure only time and work,” admitted the model.

After the death of Vladimir Turchinsky has been more than five years. He died in 2009 from a heart attack. The athlete was in his house in the suburbs. In the morning he became ill, because of what the wife called the ambulance. Medics arrived too late. At the time of the death of his father, the girl was only 10 years old.

Как дочь Владимира Турчинского справляется после его кончины

My father’s death really affected life of the heiress. The girl admitted that he still follows the advice that once gave her dad. “He always told me that his merits have nothing to do with me, so I didn’t put on airs. Now I know that nothing is for free and only hard work can achieve success,” recalls Ksenia.

Vladimir’s death has affected not only the daughter but also on her mother. Irina Turchinskaya from all forces tried to cope with the death of her husband. Work and career achievements helped her to survive the tragedy and return to its former direction. “I could not recover. Resigned as Director of the fitness club, Miss Fitness, he received additional training and became a dietician − to share their achievements Turchinska. I understand overweight people, they despaired, thinking that their life does not change. When her husband, I thought my life was over. But at some point I believed that I can be happy again. And I began to turn. I have gained wisdom and inner strength.”

The girl still remembers the indifference of friends. Ksenia told the magazine Peopletalk about the attitude of her friends. Maybe the guys at school just didn’t want to hurt the girl questions and regrets, but she was amazed that no one not even supported. “to my great surprise, at school no one even said a word. Even classmates I didn’t say anything. Perhaps they warned the teacher, but I was impressed.”

Fans are also painfully reacted to the death of a celebrity. The athlete in the last days did not stop working and appeared on broadcasts and shows.