Артур Смольянинов сыграл против Александра Овечкина
Stars began castigatorilor match Fund “Artist”.

Артур Смольянинов сыграл против Александра Овечкина

Artur Smolyaninov

Photo: Yury Feklistov

Alexander Ovechkin and Larissa Luzhina

Photo: Yury Feklistov

Arthur was the most active player in the charitable match Fund “the Actor”, where he met teams of actors and the government of the Russian Federation. Smolyaninov fine pass, but only two artists were able to score against the opposing team. Because their goalkeeper was a hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. Smolyaninov, a longtime football fan. “To get to the game “Spartak” will go to any tricks, just let go of the rehearsal. If you do not get to the match of your favorite club, you’ll die,” jokes Arthur.

The team of “Artists” included Igor zolotovitski,
he became the captain of the team, Artur Smolyaninov, Viktor Dobronravov, Nikita
Kukushkin, Alexander Yakin and others. The gate team got the theatre Director
“New Opera” Dmitry Sibirtsev, a strong steel support
professional football player Dmitry Bulykin and Oleg Karnaukhov.

For the national team of the Russian government Arkady Dvorkovich in addition to and
Alexander Ovechkin played the Minister of energy Alexander Novak, Minister of
economic development Maxim Oreshkin, Deputy Minister of agriculture
agriculture Ilya Shestakov and others. The match was commented by Gregory Taltuza and
docomentation was Leonid Yarmolnik, representing the Board of Trustees