Анне Старшенбаум потребовалась помощь после психологической травмы The actress needed to resolve family problem. Anna starshenbaum frankly admitted that the professional helped to free her from the sad thoughts. However, the artist still distrustful of services of this kind.
Анне Старшенбаум потребовалась помощь после психологической травмы

Not so long ago actress Anna Starshenbaum divorced with her husband Aleksey Bardukov. Despite the breakup, the couple had an excellent relationship for the sake of raising a son Vanya. Anna starshenbaum hide a divorce from the son

The actress admitted that she had problems in communicating with men. At some point she needed the help of a professional psychologist to understand yourself.

“There was one such moment very important in my life. Me sat for a long time, as it turned out, unresolved problem due to lack of communication with his father. We completely stopped contact with him when I was 19, I guess. But I’m not aware of any problems because of this. Came to a psychologist at all on another occasion. And eventually, the conversation came to this topic — childhood. All of his life to rethink. It turned out that I have a huge block which affects my whole life in relationships with men and attitudes towards themselves,” admitted Anna.

The actress is happy that in time turned to a specialist and get rid of unnecessary thoughts that interfere with her life. Despite the fact that the psychologist helped her to solve problems Starshenbaum still skeptical about the people of this profession because of my father.

Анне Старшенбаум потребовалась помощь после психологической травмы“He does not communicate with me nor with my mother or ex-wife. Despite the fact that he is a doctor of science in family psychology. Because of him I have a prejudice against psychologists, I don’t really trust them. Although I know that some knowledge have meaning and can really help,” admitted Anna.

The actress cherishes the good relations which she had secured with her ex-husband after the divorce. Despite the fact that the couple are no longer together, Starshenbaum does not get tired to admire spiritual qualities of the former spouse. She was glad that Alex cares about his son, who will soon turn six years old. The artist knows that can always rely on the father of her child if she needed help.

“I in no way call myself a single mom! I have the same super-duper-caring ex-husband who takes care of at least half of the responsibility for the son. It used to be and continues to this day. I’m sure it always will be, no doubt”, – frankly said Anna in an interview with “TV”.