Анна Семенович тайно пересекла китайскую границу
Popular singer told about his adventures in Asia.

Анна Семенович тайно пересекла китайскую границу

connecting flight to Bali at the airport in Beijing, Anna Semenovich was in the border
the trap and found his sister. A well-deserved winter break, the singer and actress
held in one of the most favorite places in Bali. The novel Anna and the Islands lasts
for over 10 years. In recognition of the singer, it is unique and the only place that
must “accept” the traveler.

Анна Семенович тайно пересекла китайскую границу

Not everyone gets it the first time, with
many tourists first visit accidents, Bali
checks person. “On my first trip to the island 10 years ago, I strongly
poisoned and almost the entire vacation spent in the room on antibiotics, but
it returned to this place in a year, — Anna remembers. And Bali have accepted me already as native.
I realized that if the island receives the guest, he opens amazing
a magical world full of beauty and harmony”.

Анна Семенович тайно пересекла китайскую границу

journey to the island Paradise began for a singer with a small incident. The connections occurred in China, the time between departures
was six hours. However, without a Chinese visa, the border guards categorically
refused to release the singer from the transit area.

“I was offered to spend all that time on a metal chair in
the area where there was not a single machine with water. I was close to despair,
prepared for hours waiting on a terrible chair. But, on my happiness,
with me in the plane was flying couple: wife is Russian, and Chinese husband.
By some miracle, they managed to persuade airport staff to let me in
a common waiting area. In the native language of the spouse of my Saviour said, that I
supposedly her sister. Only after that I managed to pass through passport
control. I was even offered a hotel room at the airport, but when I entered the room and saw on the wall a spider, decided that time is better spent in the waiting room. In relative comfort, with a Cup of tea, I waited for your flight. By the way, return ticket of course, I changed. Docked in the side of the house was already in Korea,” — says Anna Semenovich.

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  • Анна Семенович тайно пересекла китайскую границу
    Anna Semenovich

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