Анна Михалкова пожаловалась на серьезные проблемы со здоровьем
The actress shared the unpleasant details of the disease.

Anna Mikhalkova

Photo: @Instagram anikiti4na Anna Mikhalkova

New year Anna Mikhalkova started with “hospital”. The actress spoke about that the other day she once again was diagnosed with bronchitis. Daughter Nikita frankly admitted that this disorder regularly suffer many members of her family.

Anna shared on social networks unpleasant details of his illness. “Hello favorite winter pastime “vynashivanie lungs.” My family heritage Konchalovsky. Bronchitis,” he complained to friends Mikhalkov. The epithet, which, describing his condition, took advantage of the actress, could not fail to arouse in its followers sympathy. Fans unanimously wished Mikhalkova speedy recovery. In comments to the record Anna has advised several effective methods of dealing with bronchitis.

Along with the news about the sharp deterioration of his health, she published a selfie in which she at least tries to smile but has a very painful look. “Look ill… Health”, “I’m sorry, you should consult pulmonologist”, “Speedy recovery!”, “Get well!”, “The main thing is do not start the disease that did not require hospitalization,” write Mikhalkova.