Анна Калашникова решилась на пластическую операцию
The model is preparing to change the shape of the nose and correct asymmetry of the face.

Anna Kalashnikova

Photo: Instagram

Anna Kalashnikov decided on plastic. The model decided to make
a correction of the nose and correct asymmetry of the face. About this star told
itself. “This week I have make all the procedure, — says Anna. The result
will certainly share”.

By the way, this is not the first step Kalashnikova to
will change externally. Not long ago, the model surprised the subscribers, being blonde. However,
then changes in the image of the star was not drastic.

“I am a long time internally to prepare themselves for this step —
Kalashnikov is recognized. — Even tried a special computer program,
with the help of which you can try on your face different hairstyles. But never
decided to turn from brunette to blonde. But then recently I went to
Mall to buy a gift for a friend’s birthday.

And suddenly noticed there’s a wig store. It dawned on me: “here
it is the solution to the problem! Buy a wig, wear it, and decide if I should go to a salon
and change hair color”. Besides, now that the cold season is the time
to wear wigs as they can to replace headpiece.

However, on the day the blonde Anna decided that not ready yet
repaint the hair. “I felt that psychologically I do feel uncomfortable in
the image of the blonde — says Kalashnikov. — From the mirror I was looking
the other person, not me! Besides my
son Daniel in a new image I did not recognize until I
spoke to him, looked at me confused…”