Анфиса Чехова призвала подписчиков не бороться с болезнями
A very interesting method of recovery TV presenter Anfisa Chekhov has described in his blog.

Анфиса Чехова призвала подписчиков не бороться с болезнями

Anfisa Chekhov admitted to fans that he was sick. The virus destroyed all the plans of the presenter and sent her to bed with a temperature of 38.5. However, instead of the usual struggle with the disease, the presenter decided to make friends with her.

Анфиса Чехова призвала подписчиков не бороться с болезнями

Анфиса Чехова призвала подписчиков не бороться с болезнями

“A fever of 38.5(( But in every disease have its advantages! Even with the disease don’t need to fight, we need to allow it to be… to be Treated-Yes! But not to fight. Disease need to love with all my heart, and to hear what she wants to tell you. Sounds technical and confusing and probably not clear. But now no strength to explain. All the better! If you really love yourself and understand!” – wrote Chekhov.

Анфиса Чехова призвала подписчиков не бороться с болезнями