Андрей Ургант ответил на слухи о расставании с молодой супругой
Recently, journalists reported about the breakup of actor Andrey Urgant and his young wife Elena Romanova.

Андрей Ургант ответил на слухи о расставании с молодой супругой

The couple formalized the relationship a few years ago, and no problems were not discussed.

The journalists decided to clarify the situation and turned to Andrew with the question of whether he and his wife now live separately. But the actor did not go into details and answered briefly.

“No, of course… I don’t participate in the newspaper discussions,” said Urgant.

It is worth noting that last year for the artist was the anniversary, he celebrated the 60th anniversary. We look forward to the reviews from the couple and hope that they all will be adjusted.

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