Андрей Норкин высказался о запрете мата в домашних условиях The presenter shared his point of view. According to men, the bill looks very dubious and far-fetched. Especially important, according to Norkin, is the fact that recently abolished criminal penalties for assault in the family and at the same time trying to fight the battle.
Андрей Норкин высказался о запрете мата в домашних условиях

The authorities want to put for 15 days for the Mat in the apartments. The state Duma is discussing a bill that distributes the responsibility for abuse on the family situation. Punishment – the penalty from thousand to two, as well as corrective work up to 40 hours, or arrest for 15 days. Anchorman Andrei Norkin, the father of four children, says on the subject.

“Some strange law… I think it’s incompatible with real life nonsense. I, like any living person, sometimes use profanity, even in the presence of children, if you will bring much – anything can happen. Man, when a nail scores with a hammer on a finger that says? Well, obviously not “What a surprise!”. And what’s wrong?

Of course, swearing in public is wrong and should be punished. If a person’s parents has not taught the rules of behavior, the lesson taught by the state. Once you pay the fine, then foul language in front of strangers will not want. But who can prevent me to swear once or twice in your own kitchen?.. But if I tell a joke, the whole point of which in a pair of sharp phrases? I did not call anyone, do not violate anyone’s mind.

Especially strange this proposal looks at the background of the recent abolition of criminal penalties for assault in the family. That is, you beat the wife, do not be shy, but not the mother, and then slapped a fine. And I also interested in mechanism of innovations. It turns out, the neighbors have to go and complain that through the wall he heard me word of three letters said? However, the law still will not accept, empty talk. Our members, judging by the absurdity of initiatives were tired, and they need a vacation to the sea.