Андрей Чуев ставит бабушку на ноги после инсульта A former participant of the TV project “Dom-2” shared with subscribers a touching photo with a relative. The man told followers the happy news: woman finally started to walk after a long illness. Chuev, expressed gratitude to the staff of the boarding house in which he treated his grandmother.

      Andrey Chuev has posted on his page in Instagram picture, which has caused the affection of subscribers. They were happy to see the frame with grandma male. They noted that they have not seen a photo with the woman and started to worry about her condition. But fears of followers were in vain. Chuev told that his cousin feels much better than some time ago. She recovered after a long illness and was able to get to his feet.

      Andrey Chuev, “While the haters are sitting on the Internet, we are a Marina in the Seychelles”

      Andrew could not hide the joy, therefore, noted that Olga Petrovna, despite the difficulties bravely overcome them. By the way, a former member of telestroke already told the users of the Network, despite the fact that there are serious problems with health. That’s why he decided to send her to one of the suburban houses, to where the woman was able to quickly recover.

      “Three strokes is no joke, but still old-school our parents should be an example for the current generation. A huge thank you to the staff of the boarding house for the attitude and assistance in the recovery of my Granny. Care, proper nutrition , fresh air of the forest and the regime will put on your feet. And the smile my grandmother is the best assessment of your work,” wrote Andrew.

      At that time, as grandma used to restore health, Andrey Chuev and Marina Afrikantov went for a month in Dubai, where he met with his buddies. Among other things, the man managed to see his daughter Lisa from his first marriage with Tatiana Chiosa. Recall that the woman already a long time living in the Emirates. The heiress Chueva goes to the local school and dancing. Recently, the girl took second place in the international tournament. About Andrew himself told the followers.

      Andrey Chuev congratulated the young heir first victory

      At the same time, Marina Afrikantov tried to stay away, but on the contrary, did everything possible to stay longer with the child’s favorite. Over the holidays she posted a lot of joint ops, which caused a positive reaction among fans of the pair. They noted that not every person is willing to mess with other people’s children, especially when it comes to the heirs of a partner from a previous marriage.

      Immediately after returning from the UAE Andrey went to Moscow where he met with Olga Petrovna. The man was looking forward to meeting with grandmother. He was very worried about her health, so it is frustrating when followers leave unflattering comments. He has repeatedly explained, the lack of a common frame with a relative does not prove that the man forgot about his grandmother and not have to worry about her health.

      Whenever Marina Afrikantov accompanies the choice. Almost five months ago they went together to congratulate Olga Petrovna with his 81st birthday. “Granny darling, my man. You wish to live a century. I am around, you know, I’m with you till the end, will not abandon you and will not leave his father, disease they do not cure. Let it be unclouded all of your days! Love you” – Chuev wrote in the comments under one of the posts.