Андрей Кончаловский заступился за Харви Вайнштейна, вызвав возмущение своими словами
Lately the whole world is discussing the scandal with the name of the producer Harvey Weinstein.

Андрей Кончаловский заступился за Харви Вайнштейна, вызвав возмущение своими словами

The man was accused of sexual harassment a famous actress. Russian Director Andrei Konchalovsky tried to justify a Hollywood producer, triggering public outrage in your own words.

Андрей Кончаловский заступился за Харви Вайнштейна, вызвав возмущение своими словами

“On the other hand, we, I hope, is not threatened. Because men should stick to women, and women must resist. Leo Tolstoy said, “the girls love, when them squeeze”. So, it is necessary to sue the entire male gender. It’s a normal hysteria and manipulation of the masses. Don’t know whether we have such a scandal. Maybe within the Garden ring will also start this nonsense. But in my opinion, this is something serious. You know, the man is man, woman is woman,” – said Konchalovsky.

According to Andrey Sergeevich, in Russia absolutely other ideas of political correctness than in the West. In the US, any word can be perceived quite differently than we do.

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