Анастасия Решетова надела скандальное платье в горошек
After the release of Anastasia Reshetova on Muz-TV, it seemed like a plainer outfit to wear is difficult. But that was just the beginning.

Анастасия Решетова надела скандальное платье в горошек

And now there’s a polka dot! He didn’t like anti-fans Nasty.

They not only said it was a “last century”, but noticed that Reshetova looks even more vulgar than the neckline.

Анастасия Решетова надела скандальное платье в горошек

Also in comments write that this outfit is made Reshetova older. The brunette, apparently, no nothing, not for nothing is she even risible published a video in response to all the vile comments.

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