Анастасия Волочкова поскандалила с сутенёром
Famous ballet dancer became embroiled in a very ugly history.


Photo: freeze-frame of the show “the Secret in a million”

Some time ago in the Network appeared unconfirmed information that the famous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova alleged, has “fat cats” paid sexual services. The truth on this story managed to Shine, thanks to the participation of talented dancers in the program “the Secret to a million.”

It turned out that the last time Anastasia really “attacked” calls an unknown man, who, under the guise of star names, tried to get Volochkova’s personal presence at the meeting with provided by the customer. According to him, many of the representatives of the world of show business has been on dates with this man and was very pleased with the generous payment for their services. The ballerina such a proposal, of course, outraged and she decided to severely punish the pimp.

She arranged a meeting with him, ostensibly to clarify some details. And in fact, Volochkova came to a planned rendezvous in a restaurant with a recorder and a hidden camera. At the end of their conversation Anastasia revealed himself and promised to let the record containing the details of their conversation, on television. Which she did. Thus pseudo-pimp “light up” their face all over the country. And Volochkova finally managed to clean up his good name.

By the way, Anastasia didn’t conceal that from time to time receives from fans expensive gifts. However, the decision about what will follow after this romantic sequel, Volochkova takes based solely on their feelings. “I cannot be bought!” — proudly said Anastasia.