Алсу высказалась о четвертой беременности Star would like her to have another baby. Alsou has three children. It does not exclude what to give birth again, but don’t rush things.

Recently, the Network appeared information about the fact that Mila’s pregnant with their fourth child. The artist found out about these rumors and hurried to explain the situation. According to the singer, until it is in position. However, Alsu does not exclude that will be resolved again to become a mother after a while.

“The plans I have for the birth of their fourth child no. Though in this matter you can not make plans. Usually I always answer: “As God wills, so be it!”

Of course, if the baby comes, I’ll be happy. Because I love children. But realize that I have even less will be enough for current family members! Kids need attention: senior must talk, do homework, go somewhere. Junior just needs mom all the time. I’m torn between them. In addition, this year I have a jubilee. Note summer holiday in the circle of friends, and in the autumn will organize a big concert. It just seems that to him for a long time. Really should start training to do. I have a lot of hard work. I hope the kids will come for moral support,” said star.

Now Alsu busy rehearsing. Soon she plans to surprise fans with new tracks. By the way, recently released the video for the song “say something”. “Talk to me” for some – the cry of the soul, for others – a way to overcome, for some people, memories… This song is so different. And its perception depends on the state in which you are at this particular moment. In some it brings tears, others hear in it a call to fight, others begin to dance to it, and someone is immersed in thinking about what happened, how it was and will be… this is my dirty little secret “talk to me”! It is life itself, is such different, complex, and beloved at the same time!” – talked about the new Alsou.

Moreover, the singer looks forward to Eurovision. Many years ago, the artist represented Russia at the musical contest. She has a negative attitude towards trends and shocking participants. “I don’t like what is now important is not so much the song, how many other factors: who will be shouting, who will undress, – continues the artist. It’s not a competition, but a show, clowning. Not always seriously perceived. Eurovision I watch every year and am very happy when I hear a good song! But I don’t like when people go just in order to attract attention”, – said Alsu with “Source”.