Алика Смехова трогательно поздравила отца с днем рождения
Benjamin Smekhova was 77 years old.

Alika and Veniamin Smehova

Alika Smekhova touching congratulated the day of his birth
famous father Benjamin Smekhova. Legendary Soviet actor, Atos all
times and peoples today marks 77 years. The role of Athos gave the artist fame
and national love, but of course, this is not the only film star. In
altogether the actor played more than thirty projects, not to mention
theatrical works, documentaries and directing his own paintings,
the dubbing of films and cartoons and many other things.

“Happy birthday, my beloved daddy — smiling actress. — Boundless
love and respect, appreciate, and strive to meet — though it is not easy! You
always was, is and will be the Noble Athos!”

To match the status of the daughter of the famous father Alec
I had all my life, and it is with honor cope with this. “Remember me, girl, eight years old, was
it’s a shame that the kids from our class, which Spesivtsev (the head of the Youth
theatre — ed.) is not accepted, then saying that “Smehova taken from the Pope”, —
Alik told in exclusive interview to magazine “7 days”. It was the first
when I heard in relation to itself, the word “cronyism.” And then for many years
I had to prove that I have my own place on the screen and on the stage… My
famous name I never bothered, I am proud of my parents. I just always
understand that in this situation, I need to find a way, to leave the beaten
track. That is why went to study not the dramatic faculty, and
the faculty of the actor of musical theatre, or as they say, “the Comedy”.