Алексей Панин пользуется услугами косметолога, чтобы омолодиться
Often a famous actor Alexey Panin became the main topic for discussion in the Network.

Алексей Панин пользуется услугами косметолога, чтобы омолодиться

And here again, the man was forced to speak about itself by demonstrating in his microblog a picture of beauty when he did the procedure for smoothing out wrinkles and “beauty shots”.

Алексей Панин пользуется услугами косметолога, чтобы омолодиться

“Doctor, make me young and beautiful, please!”, – wrote under a photo of Panin.

The actor was accompanied by the hashtag #eternallife and #obratimaya, saying that he wants to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles. Subscribers criticized the man because of the desire to rejuvenate.

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