Александра Бортич рассталась с женихом
The actress broke off the engagement with his colleague and lover by Ilya Malininym.

Bortech Alexander and Ilya Malanin

Photo: Instagram

Alexandra Bortech unexpectedly broke up with her fiance
actor by Ilya Malininym. 22-year-old actress broke off the engagement at the end of last year, but reported it friends only now.

Relations pair lasted three years and was supposed to end
the wedding, scheduled for this summer.

The fact of parting in conversation with journalists has confirmed itself
the actress, however, added that he wants to discuss my life with anyone

From the words of Alexander passed
to the point, removing with his page in the social network almost all common
pictures with beloved.

The star of “Police
The ruble,” become popular after the movie “ДуxLess” and strengthening the status of one of the most beautiful and sexy Actresses after the role of young
Rogneda in the sensational film “Viking”, has repeatedly said that her heart belongs to

The pair met in
2013 on the set of the movie “red dawn”, where actors played a major role: since
then, the lovers were inseparable.

In July of last year
the network has information that Ilya and Alexander got married. Fans of the stars
made this conclusion based on the photos posted by the actress on the social
network, which she signed “married.” In the picture Bortech posed in a white
dress and proudly showed the engagement ring.

A little later, Alexander hastened
to explain that he and Ilya were married only on the set of the film “COP
from Beskudnikovo”.