Александр Задойнов должен Элине Камирен большую сумму денег
Fans watched with interest the development of relations of participants of reality show “Dom-2” Alexander and Elina Zadoinov Kamiren.

Александр Задойнов должен Элине Камирен большую сумму денег

But in the beginning of 2016, the pair decided to leave.

Elina was left alone with a baby. As it turned out, all this time, Alexander did not pay child support for his daughter. And now for him it is punishable by up to street cleaning.

“Sasha has 70 thousand in debt. On the court, he said that in his care three children’s homes and the charity Fund “Dobro”, that he asked the question, why is he not helping. Sasha replied that he lives with an older daughter that is a lie, because if you go to his apartment, everything is so destroyed, even the bathroom has no… His daughter Nastya lives with her mom through the house from him, studying in the same school that he studied,” – said Kamiren reporters.

Zadoinov also says that she does not see him with my daughter. According to the woman, this is not true.

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