Александр Беляев: «Куда пропало лето?» My investigation of the reasons of bad weather, of course, led to the biggest expert in this field. September Moscow midday, and surprisingly warm and Sunny. And at the dacha of chief telemetering of the country, Professor of geography Alexander Belyaev, and did grace the branches of a large bulk apples.
Александр Беляев: «Куда пропало лето?»

– You can hit? All complain of a poor harvest, and you have such an abundance.

Yes, what the conversation! exclaims Mr Khoroshavin. – I am now though you can get a saw. You know, Andrew, I am surprised myself: it’s something magical! For ten consecutive years all the Apple trees fine fruit.

– I understand that in the city you don’t get out of here. And where is the store famous stamp collection – rumored to be one of the biggest in Moscow, by the Way, why in the meetings of the Metropolitan stamp I can’t see?

– In a city apartment all the shelves are stacked with albums. But the thing is, Andrew, that when you started collecting stamps, I have moved away.

Александр Беляев: «Куда пропало лето?»

– All the abuse this summer. How do you assess what’s going on?

– For some time I noticed that the weather is very correlated with my health. Cost me to get sick – and it got corrupted.

When I heard that you recently took from filming, I thought: of course, man is not twenty years, but this is due to fatigue. Schedule to night because no one was in favor.

– At first I did not attach any importance to this, although had to leave, “Ostankino”, to abandon the meetings of the Academy of Sciences, where he worked for many years. But it was much more serious, and today, after a course of chemotherapy, I’m preparing for surgery.

Александр Беляев: «Куда пропало лето?»

– In public people, especially in such a situation, there is often a dilemma – to tell or not to ask for help or fight alone…

– Andrei, well, who am I to give a silent?! You probably thank God, was not in the Blokhin Oncological center on Kashirka?

– Once was.

– Then you know that’s a giant complex with a huge number of migrating here and there of people. I was out, had to chat in the elevators and corridors, all to smile. In response, by the way, I also saw the smiles, and the atmosphere there was quite different than I imagined. Science is moving forward: if twenty years ago cancer was a death sentence, but today any situation we can find a solution.

– And talk about what treatment we have is the sky and the earth, and non-traditional medicine as a you are considering?

– First, when a person is diagnosed with cancer, he, of course, think about the assistance of experts in Israel, Germany or Austria. But, secondly, it costs a lot of money. And the reason I say “second”? Because of the Herzen Institute and the Center on Kashirke – our doctors in this field can compete with the West. Search for the same attendants, healers of all stripes – wasting my time. So don’t be afraid – say it authoritatively and refer to real doctors.

– Today, having a full view of his illness, you are wondering: could I somehow prevent it, change it, if I knew before?

– I’m sure that everything that happens to us, someone we know. Six years ago, on the day when I had a scan and was diagnosed with lung cancer, I was driving in the car – and started a storm, the horror! Probably, therefore God made it clear, saying, pay attention. Then I experienced moments in which the enemy does not want. By the way, I have no enemies. Quit Smoking almost immediately. And then the doctor’s status normalized, and on the boards regularly screened (we do every six months check the teeth at the dentist) I just forgot. Be sure to choose the time you go to the clinic regularly follow everything that doctors say. And especially careful should be those whose parents suffered cancer. I learned, immediately told his son to take the tests. And keep optimism. That’s all go – weather, weather! Yes, in another month we’ll forget what it was summer. The main thing – the weather inside of you: friends, family, loved ones. Here it is – the weather.

Александр Беляев: «Куда пропало лето?»
Александр Беляев: «Куда пропало лето?»