Актриса Кирстен Данст собралась замуж за мясника
34-year-old star of the new movie of Sofia Coppola came to Cannes with her fiancé.

Актриса Кирстен Данст собралась замуж за мясника

El Fanny, Kirsten Dunst, Sofia Coppola, Colin Farrell


Kirsten dunst once again in Cannes. And again together with his longtime good friend, Director Sofia Coppola and her new movie “Fatal temptation”. Kirsten is not the first time to play the daughter of the famous Director. She starred in the title role in “Marie Antoinette”, too, by the way, the competitive picture of Coppola, which, however, the festival had no success. But this time a remake of an old Clint Eastwood movie, which came from Sofia, charmed everyone. Kirsten plays with Nicole Kidman (the role of the brave southerners who, during the war between North and South America keeps a boarding-school for girls left without families — one of four works festival), El Fanny, 18-year-old beauty, sister of Dakota fanning. El, with its ephemeral sheer beauty Princess from another world is already being tipped brilliant acting career and star future, not to mention the love of her photographers. The only actor in the “women’s collective” film “Fatal temptation” was Colin Farrell. By the way, Farrell is also a real pet of the Cannes film festival. This year he plays in the two pictures submitted in the contest.

So Kirsten dunst arrived in Cannes with her fiance yet little-known actor Jamie Plamondon. They met on the set of the TV series “Fargo”, where Jesse played the husband of the heroine, and Kirsten butcher. Kirsten shyly told that he was very happy with Jesse, and values his opinion. And anyway, she really wants to, finally, have a family and children. Somehow had never really evolved, but now, according to the actress, she found her other half. They both love to sit at home, watch TV, eat pasta, meet friends and have party. So, I guess Kirsten and took the fiancé on the red carpet. Dunst have green eyes and Jesse gave her a luxurious engagement ring with green emerald. Antique and fine workmanship.

El Hannig, Nicole Kidman ,Colin Farrell,Kirsten Dunst