О примирении между Брэдом Питтом и Анджелиной Джоли не может быть и речи
Rumors about changes in the situation of divorce of star pair have no relationship to reality.

Angelina Jolie and brad pitt


Recently there were rumors about the alleged truce between Angelina Jolie and brad pitt. And that there is a chance for their reunion. But all who are familiar with them, but sadly saying divorce is in full swing, and the battle for custody of the children. About any reconciliation can not be discussed simply because the couple has already passed the so-called point of no return. Brad pitt is unable to forgive his wife of her allegations of ill-treatment of children, in particular, with their eldest son Maddox. These charges were removed from pitt’s official organs, but the damage done to his feelings, not to fix it.

Moreover, Angelina and continues to hinder the full fellowship of brad with the kids. For example, she allowed him to stay with them for Father’s Day, and recently canceled the celebration of the birthday of Maddox, organized by pitt. And this despite the fact that her husband takes all her demands and tries his best to change for the better. First of all, he has six months after I quit drinking — although the whole life, by his own admission, not a day has gone by without alcohol. Now pitt is drinking only cranberry juice and water, gives weekly tests, and visits a psychologist. In addition, he is engaged in modeling and spends hours in the Studio of his friend the sculptor.

Today is gloomy like a cloud actor appeared on the set of his new sci-Fi movie. And Angelina spent Sunday with her father Jon Voight and daughter Vivienne — and they took 9-year-old girl in the sketch class. Perhaps the child inherited his father brad pitt to art. In the current situation, Jolie got back in touch with his father, although their feud has become one of the Hollywood legends.