Известный блогер сомневается в правдивости шоу Дмитрия Шепелева
This summer on the First channel premiered the show “actually” Dmitry Shepeleva as master.

Известный блогер сомневается в правдивости шоу Дмитрия Шепелева

In the transmission of the characters tested on the lie detector, and the creators of the project say that it will be proved the truth or falsity of the words of the hero. But recently, a well-known blogger Nikolay Sobolev expressed his opinion regarding the adequacy of the project, questioning the veracity of the results of the polygraph.

Известный блогер сомневается в правдивости шоу Дмитрия Шепелева

“It’s so funny that a year later continues to make out something in the story, while pretending that the lie detector something determines. Seriously, are you crazy or what, went, Shepelev? (…) Why would so blatantly deceive people? Already long ago proved that the testimony of the polygraph is absolutely not scientific nonsense. Guys, no lie detector in the world can determine it is a lie or the truth. Absolutely all of his testimony reads examiner, a man. And anyone can make a mistake and blatantly lie,” says the blogger.

With the premiere of this program raises conflicting views, many speak critically about what’s going on on the show.

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