Мать, у которой отобрали детей после удаления груди, оправдалась за интервью с Собчак Julia Savinovskih argues that blame poor installation. After an interview with Ksenia Sobchak, a resident of Yekaterinburg, which is accused of wanting to have a sex change, started a new wave of indignation because of the ambiguity of its answers.
Мать, у которой отобрали детей после удаления груди, оправдалась за интервью с Собчак

In September, the community widely discussed the scandal caused by the fact that Yulia Savinovskih and her husband took foster children. The fact that the woman had surgery for breast reduction. She justified it by the fact that seventh size hampered in her daily life. However, not only it alarmed representatives of the guardianship – they found that Julia leading online blog where talks about transgender people. Woman reduced breast 7-size and she took foster children

Recently, the TV presenter and the candidate in presidents of the Russian Federation decided to talk to Savinovskih and her husband to find out the truth in this situation. The journalist asked direct questions and expecting honest and sincere answers. Julia remembered that the subject of transgender people has raised her 17-year-old daughter. After that, she decided to deal with this phenomenon.

In the middle of the interview Sobchak asked at what point Savinovskih felt like a transgender. The woman replied that this is a complex issue. Moreover, she said that now she feels unsafe to talk on such topics so as not to provoke a new wave of aggression. However, many felt that such a response, it is indirectly confirmed its intention to change sex. Julia hastened to clarify the situation and said that the essence could distort the Assembly.

“I in no way recognized Ksenia Sobchak. You need to watch a good video. She asked me provocative questions. I don’t deny, don’t confirm don’t want anything. Don’t even want to talk about it. I tried using Xenia to draw public attention to the presumptuous officials. I don’t understand why there are such headers. There all mounted nasty. But no complaints towards Xenia anatolevny I don’t want to say. Nice interview. I was trying to convey the problem – people are struggling with custody, clinics, and utilities. We are simple people are not protected,” he justified Savinovskih.

Kseniya also in the interview, turned to his wife Julia to Eugene. She asked the provocative question – what will change in their relationship, if the wife does decide to have a sex change. The man confessed that he loves her, but “not ready to accept her as a boy.”

Julia also told the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” that ordinary people are often very exposed, but because she herself is trying to draw attention to the problem.