Дело о вымогательстве у Киркорова спровоцировали пранкеры Last night in Moscow detained the leader of the group Space, Didier Marouani, earlier accused the people’s artist of the Russian Federation in plagiarism. Russian artist wrote a statement on Maruani in law enforcement. Kirkorov’s lawyer told journalists the details of the incident.

      Journalists reported that the police released the leader of the French group Space, Didier Marouani, who accused of plagiarism Philip Kirkorov. Law enforcement officers do not see the bases for excitation of criminal case against a foreign musician. He Marouani refused to testify in the case of the illegal borrowing and without a representative of the Consulate of France, as did not trust the translators. This Wednesday Didier again have to testify.

      Offenders Philip Kirkorov was detained in Moscow

      Lawyer Lyudmila Aivar told reporters that Marouani said the incident in advance planned provocation. Aivar said that the foreign musician was arrested when he came to sign a settlement agreement with Philip Kirkorov.

      However, the representative of the people’s artist of Russia Alexander Dobrovinsky at a press conference denied this information. According to the judge, Maruani extorted from Kirkorov amount of one million euros. Dobrovinsky told that to arrange a meeting with the Russian singer helped the pranker Vova, and Lexus. They told journalists that he first decided to play Marouani, but over time it’s gone too far. They then contacted a lawyer Philip.

      According to the lawyer, he never saw a suit which threatened the leader of the group Space. So Dobrovinsky came to the conclusion that he was dealing with criminals. Alexander also shared with media representatives that includes the results of the examination of the song “tough love” and track Marouani. According to an independent study, these compositions are different. In addition, Dobrovinsky said that a man cannot be accused in this situation, as the composer of the well-known hit is the other person Oleg Popkov.

      “Philip wrote a letter to Marouani law enforcement agencies, citing three articles – extortion in especially large sizes, slander and dissemination of information from private life. Marouani arrived in Moscow and went on Tuesday for a meeting with Kirkorov to get the coveted million. No papers and settlement agreement have Didier with him was not,” said Dobrovinsky at a press conference.

      In turn, the representative of Didier Marouani Oleg Trunov told reporters that his client intends to write the application on excitation of criminal case against Phillip Kirkorov. According to Trunova, the police apologized to him for what happened. The lawyer also noted that he withdrew the dossier’s case for plagiarism, which was scheduled to go to court. “There are the originals of examinations, calculations of the amount of damage a draft settlement agreement all of the documents that we’ve collected”, — quotes the judge Life.ru.