12-летняя дочка Марины Зудиной нашла нужные слова после смерти отца
Wise beyond his years Maria Tabakova comforted the mother.

Marina Zudina and Oleg Tabakov my daughter Mary


20 APR it was exactly forty days since the death of Oleg Tabakov. Colleagues, friends and family members of the mater is still difficult to accept the fact that people’s artist did not. But gradually the lives of loved ones Oleg Pavlovich is back on track. Vladimir Mashkov, a close friend of Oleg Tabakov, officially took up the position of head of “Snuff”. The actor has already announced his intention to make the first changes to the operation theatre. Mashkov is preparing to rename the premises of the Studio at THE Theatre of Oleg Tabakov.

Its activities began and the new artistic Director of the Moscow art theatre — Sergei Zhenovach. The day before he was officially introduced to the troupe. The order on its appointment was signed by the Minister of culture on March 23, but the inauguration took place only the day before.

Many are wondering what will be the fate of Marina Suginoi after retiring from the life of Tabakov? Recently this question was answered by the actress herself. The other day she gave an interview in which he told about who was the main prop in her life after bereavement. As it turned out, the daughter of Marina and Oleg Pavlovich was the only one who was able to pick up important and the right words to comfort the mother. 12-year-old Maria is sure that her loved ones all goes well, as the Pope will provide invisible support to their relatives.

“No matter what happens in my life in the theater, it is important that the business, which is dedicated Oleg Pavlovich his life lived. That’s the main thing. I have faith that it will be so “Snuff” is a new take-off, will be a new round… As for me… My daughter I very properly said, “Mom! We are strong! We can do this, we will live on, and dad would be there to assist”. And I believe it!” — quoted Marina “Arguments and facts”.